Recommendation letter for CSC Scholarship 2023-24 (Download template)

Recommendation letter for CSC Scholarship 2023-24 (Download template)

Recommendation letter is considered to be one of the most important documents required for any scholarship program. This letter is also known as “reference letter”. This letter must be provided by any professor or associate professor of your department. Usually, two (02) letters of recommendation are required for CSC Scholarships but at the time of getting acceptance letter, professor may need three (03). Normally, professor, who is recommending you for any scholarship, provides his/her own template but in Pakistan, this is most common for student to have a printed page of letter on which the concerning professor will sign. Career help portal has provided two templates of recommendation letters here in the details. But before going to the download section, please readout following instructions. So, what are you waiting for? Start your application from now.

Please note that

  • CSC Scholarship needs two (02) letters of recommendation. Both recommendation letters must have their own format and own body content. Otherwise, it might be rejected. You can use university logo on right side for one letter and on left side for second. Also content in that must be different. Attached templates may help you in this regard.
  • Can we use the Previous Year recommendation letters for CSC Scholarship? Answer is a big Yes. You can use it but, many universities required the latest recommendation letter.
  • Please try to write and prepare it by yourself, as disturbance may be caused due to plagiarism.

Template section

Click on the buttons given below to download templates of recommendation letter. Please try to use them just to generate an idea. Good luck!


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